Billboards, Buses, and Beyond: Why Out-of-Home Marketing is Still a Powerhouse in Advertising

  • POV’s
  • April 9, 2024
  • Betina Jørgensen

In the digital age where online marketing campaigns and social media promotions reign supreme, one might think that traditional forms of advertising have lost their charm. It is true that traditional print advertising is currently experiencing hard times with a decrease in ad sales upwards of 15 percent in 20231

However, out-of-home (OOH) marketing continues to hold its ground as a powerful player in the advertising industry. But what is OOH marketing exactly?

Out-of-home marketing is a form of advertising that targets consumers while they are outside of their homes. This type of marketing includes billboards, transit ads, street furniture, and digital displays within the physical space.


The advantages of Out-of-home

The beauty of OOH marketing lies in its wide reach and constant visibility. Imagine a billboard strategically placed in Copenhagen’s busiest metro station or a bus ad making its way through bustling city streets. These are seen by thousands of people daily, providing a level of exposure that’s hard to match.

What sets OOH marketing apart from its digital counterparts is its immunity to ad-blockers and ‘skip ad’ buttons. While consumers can easily avoid digital ads, they can’t skip a 14-foot billboard on their commute, or an ad displayed on the side of a bus. This unavoidable presence ensures your brand message gets noticed and remembered.

So don’t be fooled into thinking OOH marketing is stuck in the past. It has evolved with the times, incorporating digital elements like interactive displays and real-time updates, creating a dynamic blend of traditional and modern advertising methods. This adaptability makes OOH marketing not just relevant, but also highly engaging for today’s consumers.


Great synergy effects

A significant strength of out-of-home marketing lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate with other marketing channels, creating a synergistic effect that amplifies the overall impact of a brand’s advertising strategy.

Think about it this way: A consumer might see an ad for a product on social media, then encounter the same product on a billboard during their commute. Later, they may hear a radio spot for the same product. This multi-channel approach not only reinforces the brand message but also increases the likelihood of the consumer remembering the product and making a purchase.

Moreover, OOH can be used to drive engagement on digital platforms. For instance, billboards or transit ads can include QR codes or social media handles, encouraging consumers to interact with the brand online. This creates a two-way communication channel, allowing brands to engage with their audience on a deeper level.

Furthermore, OOH marketing has great synergy with other marketing disciplines. For example, an eye-catching billboard can generate buzz and media coverage, while a well-placed transit ad can drive foot traffic to retail locations.


An award-winning example

A relevant example of the capabilities of out-of-home marketing is our recent work with Coca-Cola. This is an excellent example of how a collaborative effort can generate exceptional results. This campaign utilized synergy effects between different channels as well as collaboration between the agencies in GroupM. The campaign was a collaborative effort between GroupM Nexus, Wavemaker, EssenceMediacom and our external OOH partner, Ocean Outdoor Denmark.

The campaign took place inside Field’s shopping mall in Copenhagen. The campaign utilized a big 3D screen combined with a giant vending machine. The idea was that the public was able to get a free sample from the vending machine if they downloaded the “Coke” app.

They were encouraged to vote on whether the Coke was the “Best Coke Ever”. The results were then displayed on the big screen, which made it an interactive experience for the shoppers at Field’s. This is a great example of how Out-of-home marketing can be used in a modern way that combines different marketing principles.

PS: The campaign was so successful that it actually won an award for “best international campaign” at the 2024 OBIE awards.

So, while it’s easy to get swept up in the digital marketing wave, remember the power of OOH marketing. As long as people step outside their homes, there’s an opportunity for your brand to make an impression. From billboards to buses and beyond, OOH marketing continues to prove itself as a vital part of any successful advertising strategy.

Are you interested in learning more about OOH and its possibilities? Feel free to reach out to Betina Jørgensen, Senior Print & OOH Specialist, on [email protected]

